Realized I could have a heat pump in a dual fuel system

Realized I could have a heat pump in a dual fuel system

When I first found out about heat pumps I got super excited. Both heating and air conditioning in a single system. It is ductless so that means I can have zone control and no ductwork cleaning needs. No fuel I deliver for the heating effect. It is cheaper, cleaner, and the system isn’t dependent on

I get usual service to avoid repairs

I get usual service to avoid repairs

Everything you read online about heaters says you should consistently wipe them. If you leave a furnace dirty, then havoc ensues. A dirty furnace can genuinely overheat and catch on fire. The air filter can only stop so much dust from going into the system, then once the dust gets in the inner workings and

The several benefits of a heat pump

The several benefits of a heat pump

My weather conditions are quite moderate, so I took the plunge and bought a heat pump. I appreciate that I get a two for one system with this; Both heating plus cooling in a single system. Also the heat pump is ductless. That means I don’t have to have the entire dwelling heated to a

My boiler serves as a snowmelt system

My boiler serves as a snowmelt system

My section gets absolutely chilly in the winter. The snow comes down in feet rather than inches. It isn’t unregular to have sub zero temperatures. I absolutely hate the snow plus all the upkeep that it takes. I used to use a snowblower plus shovel anything it couldn’t reach. I got to the point where

You have to service your furnace

You have to service your furnace

Now I can rest assured that there is nothing major happening inside my system They say online that anytime you experience noises with your furnace that means something major is wrong… Everytime I went by my indoor air handler it made a odd squeaking noise. What is the deal with that? I thought maybe it

We need an emergency repair

We need an emergency repair

I live in Terrell, TX which means that I don’t rely on my furnace that much; When the freezing hits though, it isn’t comfortable, however i use my furnace the moment winter time hits and it doesn’t let up, and the evenings can get genuinely cold. I genuinely appreciate relying on a furnace since it